hari ni,as usual,pergi kelas macam biasa..kelas start awal hari ni.so,kena lah bangun awal..aku and bonda antara orang forst sampai kat kelas!wah~semangat nak pergi kelas you..haha~tak ada lah,since tahu harini kelas lecture,so,nak pergi awal sikit,so that tak berebut tempat..should be hari ni belajar public sector,but tak start apa2 lagi.lecturer buat sesi suai kenal dengan the whole class..aiyoo..ingatkan dah tak ada sesi ice breaking ni,ada lagi!aku lemah sikit bab nak introduce2 ni..aha~al maklum lah,pemalu la katakan..=p hari ni,aku just ada satu kelas je..yaayy~~tapi esok,nantikan!kelas sampai malam1haiyaa..confirm,balik kelas terus tidur!ehe~tapi bagus jugak aku busy,.tak adalah aku fikir sangat benda bukan2..

and today,welcome baby!!aku difahamkan,anyah (my cousin) akan bersalin hari ni..dia saja je pilih tarikh hari ni,.11.01.11,..and baby comel ni selamat dlahirkan pada jam 11 pagi,11 minit,11 saat!wah~alhamulillah..dua2 pun okay..yaayy~~see you this coming weekend baby!mak ain ada kelas la..nanti mak ain datang,cubit2 awak okay?hehe
permulaan semester ni,adatlah,kalau kita banyak guna duit untuk belanja beli buku,makan,beli baju kampus,and macam2 lagi la..part ni,aku tak berapa nak suka sangat,sebab rasa bersalah sangat nak menyusahkan parents..every students mesti rasa macam ni..tak kiralah dia orang senang mahupun orang susah,but still,perasaan bersalah tu mesti ada nak minta duit kat parents kan?so,macam2 mana pun,sebagai seorang anak,kita kenalah work hard study..only that can repay them back..nothing else..diorang tak pernah mengungkit kalau kita minta duit untuk bayar itu ini..cukup sekadar kita bagi diorang kejayaan..hopefully,kita semua dapat buat semua tu,untuk parents kita..amin~
i got this from my little sister..and nak share with you guys..
permulaan semester ni,adatlah,kalau kita banyak guna duit untuk belanja beli buku,makan,beli baju kampus,and macam2 lagi la..part ni,aku tak berapa nak suka sangat,sebab rasa bersalah sangat nak menyusahkan parents..every students mesti rasa macam ni..tak kiralah dia orang senang mahupun orang susah,but still,perasaan bersalah tu mesti ada nak minta duit kat parents kan?so,macam2 mana pun,sebagai seorang anak,kita kenalah work hard study..only that can repay them back..nothing else..diorang tak pernah mengungkit kalau kita minta duit untuk bayar itu ini..cukup sekadar kita bagi diorang kejayaan..hopefully,kita semua dapat buat semua tu,untuk parents kita..amin~
i got this from my little sister..and nak share with you guys..
never worry bout falling in love,, bacause in FAIRY TALES..
they won't have it until the last page!! so do we,, be patient!!
*some people scared at that word I LOVE U,,
...maybe because it was not the words they familiar with..
* sometimes love grow bigger without knowing,
while we try to ignore the existence, but those things are not able to be hidden, it would unpurposely being expressed without asking permissions from heart, because heart things are unstoppable or even reversible, until the one who own the heart letting the feeling go!!
*Unable to give, to someone who give a lot of love to us was not a wrong doing, but we know it hurt,, but never ask them to stop, because it hurt more. even though they know that they wouldn't get our love, just let him try to make us happy,, because this is the path that he had chose.
*Love is like a war,,
easy to start but damn hard to stop.
STOP. either heading to a happily ever after or a good byes that both have to face. the decision are really hard to achieve, because according to what that we should count on?? love? sacrifice?
they won't have it until the last page!! so do we,, be patient!!
*some people scared at that word I LOVE U,,
...maybe because it was not the words they familiar with..
* sometimes love grow bigger without knowing,
while we try to ignore the existence, but those things are not able to be hidden, it would unpurposely being expressed without asking permissions from heart, because heart things are unstoppable or even reversible, until the one who own the heart letting the feeling go!!
*Unable to give, to someone who give a lot of love to us was not a wrong doing, but we know it hurt,, but never ask them to stop, because it hurt more. even though they know that they wouldn't get our love, just let him try to make us happy,, because this is the path that he had chose.
*Love is like a war,,
easy to start but damn hard to stop.
STOP. either heading to a happily ever after or a good byes that both have to face. the decision are really hard to achieve, because according to what that we should count on?? love? sacrifice?
thank you adik..
and btw,im happy reading kakngah's blog..omg..kaklong tumpang happy sekali..bukan happy sikit2,tapi happy banyak2,..hehe..dulu kaklong pun pernah rasa macam tu,and wish benda tu last forever..but..=-=hope you guys happy sampai bila2..and i trust you lah abang ngah!awak boleh jaga kakngah saya..ingat pesan kaklong..hehe~
i wish,i can be like that too..
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