debate!!!alhamdulillah..semuanya berjalan dengan lancar...alhamdulillah jugak sebab dapat team yang sangat supporitve and cooperate sama2 time siapkan text and practice..thank you
adik tomey
thank you!!!
me with akmal from the opposition side and the rest represent for the government side..and our topic is, "uitm kuantan should not increase the number of intake next semester.."aha~ this is my first and maybe my last experience debating..kalau dulu,aku tak tahu apa tu POI,now dah tahu da,and time bila nak POI tu..POI is point of information okay,bukan "poi"..bak kata akmal la..aha~~
thank you once again..salah satu pengalaman yang aku tak akan lupa sepanjang setahun setengah aku belajar..yaayy~~
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